10th November Museum
The Sepuluh Nopember Museum was established on November 10, 1991 to support the existence of the previously established Tugu Pahlawan Monument on November 10, 1951.
Indonesia currently has four geoparks of international standard listed as UNESCO GlobalGeoparks. These geoparks were recognized by UNESCO because of their rich natural heritage value, which makes them fascinating tourist attractions.
The Sepuluh Nopember Museum was established on November 10, 1991 to support the existence of the previously established Tugu Pahlawan Monument on November 10, 1951.
The Museum of the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam was established on July 31, 1915 under the name of the Atjeh Museum led by F.
The Museum building has adopted the traditional raised Aceh House, while at the same time it resembles a ship with its protruding funnel. Stepping inside,
Adityawarman Museum is located on Jalan Diponegoro No. 10 Padang, inaugurated March 16, 1977 by Minister of Education and Culture Prof. DR. Syarif Thayeb. Based
On the bank of the Gajah Wong River on Solo Street, the painter Affandi designed and constructed a home for himself, which also functions as
Agung Rai Museum of Art (ARMA) was established for a purpose. Founded by Agung Rai, a Balinese who has devoted his life to the preservation
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